Carbon Green

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Recycling materials to greening our future...

Innovative Solutions for Global Challenges

Sustainable recycling of (Carbon) Fibre Composites and biomass waste to valued added CarbonGreen products
CarbonGreen is a 36 months LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency project

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The world needs innovative solutions to global challenges. We are materials experts, specialized in the sustainable use of energy and raw materials. We are working on solutions for e-mobility, battery safety and the circular recycling of wind turbines.

Our secret: The solution is always easier than the problem. We learn from nature. Understand it’s principles and functions, apply them to existing problems and develop them further.

We see social issues and problems as challenges. Finding promising answers to these challenges drives us.

As responsible scientists and entrepreneurs, we commit to solutions in a highly complex world that are sustainable and inexpensive. Our core belief is that all people can benefit from our technologies. We put ourselves at the service of the people.